Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Religion and Culture

Religions have always tried to define the correct relationship between God and man. They have also set rules for ideal social behaviour and norms for inter personal dealings. Worship of one supreme God, the creator of the universe, is another common factor among religions. All religions, including Hinduism, in essence are monotheistic. On the other hand, almost every religion, including Catholicism and numerous other Christian denominations are, in practice, polytheistic also. Veneration of saints in Catholicism is nothing different from the worship of numerous gods by Hindus. Even the fiercely monotheistic Muslims, in practice, worship at the burial places of dead saints.

Belief in the life after death is another common character of all religions. Every religion offers heaven for the just and warns of hell for the wicked. No religion justifies crimes like rape murder or theft. Prayer, offerings, philanthropy are common.

Therefore, there is no earthly reason why religions should quarrel with each other. Since there is a lot of common ground, every sane person will expect different religions to cooperate with each other in making the lives of the followers better and emulate each other in areas of superiority. But, even in the modern day scenario, even non-practising Christians and Muslims distrust each other, although most people cunningly hide their mistrust. Islam phobia is widespread in the West. Most Hindus in India believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, and Islamization of India is the fond dream of most Muslims.

Why are the followers of great men like Jesus and Mohammed at each others throat throughout the world?

Founders of religions were great reformers. They set out principles and models for their followers so that the society around was a better place with less injustice and greater peace. Some of the principles laid down were applicable only for the age and the region or country in which the founder lived. For example, the prophet’s exhortation against feminine infanticide was applicable to Arabia but not to Europe of that age. Similarly Jesus’ words against fanatical practices of the priests had application only for Jews.

Yet another set of principles was applicable to the human race of all times and countries. Not surprisingly, these principles taught by all religions are similar in essence.

Founders of religions were intelligent visionaries but they were men inheriting the cultural background that brought them up. Jesus clothed himself, ate, and spoke like any other Jew of the age. Mohammed was every inch an Arab in these superficial matters.

The leaders and priests who were destined to carry the torch of wisdom to the later generations were not as intelligent as the great founders. They did not see or care the wine of wisdom draining out of the cultural casks but stubbornly held out the casks as sacred relics. They insisted that the followers should dress and speak like the founders. Catholic priests in South India are invariably clean-shaven when the lay people sport moustaches. Muslim priests and devout followers everywhere sport beards imitating the Arabs.

Culture evolved in every clime and region according to the climatic peculiarities. The Arabs covered their heads probably because of the dust and heat in their habitat. The people in the East wear loose garments to protect themselves from heat. The Europeans don multi-layered clothes to protect their bodies from extreme cold. Not so intelligent followers of great men always insist that the dress code of the founder should be strictly followed.

In fact, it is these superficial matters that cause all the trouble. Instead of following and practising the great principles which the founders stood for, the priests and faithful clamour for trifles and rivalry arise among religions.

1 comment:

  1. Yes.
    Very nice.
    The fact is though that Religion is complete fantasy.
    Have you ever read the bible or the koran?
    Mohammed was every inch an Arab in these superficial matters. ??
    Mohammed, had a pre pubescent wife.
    10 or 11. Therefore, he was a paedophile. SO, you call him a visionary, I call hi a pederast.
    You see, it is all in ones perception my brown friend.
