Thursday, October 8, 2009

Islamization of the West

You may be shocked by the title. It is as improbable as migrating to the moon or Mars, you may think.
I don’t follow any organized religion and I have no particular favour for any of the numerous religions and sects available. But facts are facts. In less than a century the entire West Europe and North America is going to be Islamized.
Everybody needs a religion. To worship is as innate an urge as to have sex. If you are deprived of sex for a lifetime, you are likely to become a neurotic at best and a pervert at worst. Similarly, anybody without religion cannot be said to be totally sane. Apparently he may be okay, but in the ultimate analysis, like the chronic celibate, he or she may show symptoms of abnormality. For example, a totally irreligious person’s chances of committing suicide are at least double as those of a religious person.
Christian churches in Europe and North America are, for all practical purposes, nonentities. As the salt which has lost its flavour, they no longer serve any useful purpose. Few attend churches. Convents, monasteries and seminaries are big abandoned buildings. There is a clear spiritual vacuum throughout the length and breadth of all the major and minor European countries. Into this spiritual vacuum will step the Islam, with a more forceful spirituality and practice.
Muslims start indoctrinating their children at a very early age. Religious education among Muslims is as important, perhaps more important, than regular education. The ideas and ideals printed in the mind at this early age are hard to be erased.
Conversions into Christianity in the West are practically unheard of. But the minority community claims numerous converts into its fold every year. A tickle at the moment, conversions are most likely to become a torrent in future.
Just examine what happened in Rome in the first few centuries. A handful of Christians came to Rome. In comparison, the Roman citizens were more worldly wise and materially advanced than the Christians. But, in the courage of conviction, the Christian spirit was far superior. Their readiness to die for their faith was more than the Romans’ readiness to kill.
The vague idealism of the Romans was no match to the ideals of Christianity and their faith in the life after death and salvation. In the end, the spirit proved to be stronger than physical prowess and Christianity was proclaimed the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Muslims are similarly placed in the West now. They are, perhaps, less worldly wise, educated or enlightened than their Christian neighbours. Any Christian of today’s West will pooh-pooh the idea of dying to propagate or protect his faith. But, the Muslims, on the other hand, will go to any extreme to see that their religion and faith are propagated.
Marriage is a very old institution. In almost every community and culture, marriage existed and the husband was more powerful than the wife. Humans, like most mammals, were organized as a male-centric community. This arrangement had many obvious advantages. In recent centuries, women attained equal status with men, and they started independently earning incomes. Women are superior to men in many respects and, in the changed situation, the traditional superiority of men in certain spheres (For example, as the undisputed heads of families) vanished. Men and women living under the same roof without formally getting married is becoming widespread and many couples opt to have no children.
Whether in the East or the West, Muslims are still a male dominated community, and birth rate among Muslims is undisputedly higher. With a traditional male-centric dispensation in place, Muslim families tend to be more stable, and broken families and orphaned children are fewer.
In an ocean of sexual permissiveness and unbridled freedoms, a more disciplined community with a stronger faith in and dependence on the Creator will attract converts from the decayed Christianity even without any jihad.
A century is not a long period in the history of mankind. During this period, a gradual transition from Christianity to Islam will most probably take place in the West.
Many unacceptable practices in the Eastern Islamic societies like parents forcing girls to marry men of their parents’ choice, honour killings, polygamy and typical dress codes for men and women are not likely to be adopted by the Islamised people of the West. As the western societies become Islamised, Islam will be culturally europeanised. This is exactly what happened during the Christianisation of Europe in the early centuries. The Europeans adopted Christianity, and Christianity in turn, got europeanised.

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